RavenPack Products

Powerful analytics and data solutions that provide investment and operational alpha

RavenPack Products

Unique data solutions for investment and business professionals

With award-winning data and analytics products, we are the leaders in transforming unstructured content into actionable insights. More than 70% of the best performing financial institutions incorporate RavenPack products in their day-to-day workflows.

Transform your textual data into a strategic asset

Internal documents, emails, instant messages, support tickets, and other textual data contain valuable information affecting your business. However, most of this text is unused because it is unstructured and hard to process. Using proprietary Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology, RavenPack solves this problem and helps users to extract valuable insights quickly and easily by transforming their unstructured text into structured data.

Text Analytics

Insights generated systematically from over 22,000 sources of news and social media

RavenPack analyzes news and social media content from premium and web sources. Premium sources include publishers such as Dow Jones, Wall Street Journal, Barrons, MT Newswires, Benzinga, among others. Web content captures local, regional, and national newspapers as well as reputable blogs and content aggregator sites. Since 2003, News Analytics has been RavenPack’s flagship offering and a core input into many of the world’s most sophisticated data-driven asset managers.

News Analytics

A comprehensive and high-quality database of global insider transactions

Research shows that the behavior of corporate insiders provides consistent predictive power of the performance of a company. Insiders typically do well when trading their own company’s stock; buying when they think their company will outperform, and selling when they are uncertain or expect it will underperform. With RavenPack Insider Transactions, business professionals, investors and traders can accurately track the activity of insiders in their investment portfolios.

Insider Transactions

The most accurate corporate event data for business and investment professionals

RavenPack Corporate Events can help institutional investors and traders avoid surprises caused by unexpected company disclosures. Save time finding, monitoring and updating important and hard to find corporate event information. Create and revise trading and risk strategies based on anticipated volatility derived from corporate event updates as they happen. Avoid the costs of poorly timed investment and trading decisions.

Corporate Events

Transform your textual data into a strategic asset

Internal documents, emails, instant messages, support tickets, and other textual data contain valuable information affecting your business. However, most of this text is unused because it is unstructured and hard to process. Using proprietary Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology, RavenPack solves this problem and helps users to extract valuable insights quickly and easily by transforming their unstructured text into structured data.

Text Analytics

Insights generated systematically from over 22,000 sources of news and social media

RavenPack analyzes news and social media content from premium and web sources. Premium sources include publishers such as Dow Jones, Wall Street Journal, Barrons, MT Newswires, Benzinga, among others. Web content captures local, regional, and national newspapers as well as reputable blogs and content aggregator sites. Since 2003, News Analytics has been RavenPack’s flagship offering and a core input into many of the world’s most sophisticated data-driven asset managers.

News Analytics

A comprehensive and high-quality database of global insider transactions

Research shows that the behavior of corporate insiders provides consistent predictive power of the performance of a company. Insiders typically do well when trading their own company’s stock; buying when they think their company will outperform, and selling when they are uncertain or expect it will underperform. With RavenPack Insider Transactions, business professionals, investors and traders can accurately track the activity of insiders in their investment portfolios.

Insider Transactions

The most accurate corporate event data for business and investment professionals

RavenPack Corporate Events can help institutional investors and traders avoid surprises caused by unexpected company disclosures. Save time finding, monitoring and updating important and hard to find corporate event information. Create and revise trading and risk strategies based on anticipated volatility derived from corporate event updates as they happen. Avoid the costs of poorly timed investment and trading decisions.

Corporate Events

Backed by Research

RavenPack News Analytics is the most published alternative dataset out there. Here are some of the latest research studies available.

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