Insider Transactions

A comprehensive and high-quality database of global insider transactions

Insider transactions

45,000+ Companies Covered


470,000+ Insiders Tracked


20+ Years of Historical Data


Company Sentiment Scoring


Transaction Impact Analysis

How can firms benefit from Insider Transactions?

Research shows that the behavior of corporate insiders provides consistent predictive power of the performance of a company.

Comprehensive corporate coverage including more than 45,000 equities

10 million transactions by over 470,000 insiders traceable with a unique insider ID for more than 45,000 companies globally.

Corporate Coverage

Over 470,000 insiders tracked across 50 different countries

Track top insiders like CEOs, CFOs, and major shareholders by unique identifiers over time. Work with uniform data representation across time and regions and harmonization of insider roles.

Insider Tracking

Track the sentiment of companies with insider dealings

Keep track of the average sentiment and ranking of all companies experiencing insider transactions.

Sentiment Scoring

Measure the significance of an insider transaction

Estimate the potential impact of an insider transaction based on the type of deal and the seniority or role of the insider in a company.

Impact Analysis

Comprehensive corporate coverage including more than 45,000 equities

10 million transactions by over 470,000 insiders traceable with a unique insider ID for more than 45,000 companies globally.

Corporate Coverage

Over 470,000 insiders tracked across 50 different countries

Track top insiders like CEOs, CFOs, and major shareholders by unique identifiers over time. Work with uniform data representation across time and regions and harmonization of insider roles.

Insider Tracking

Track the sentiment of companies with insider dealings

Keep track of the average sentiment and ranking of all companies experiencing insider transactions.

Sentiment Scoring

Measure the significance of an insider transaction

Estimate the potential impact of an insider transaction based on the type of deal and the seniority or role of the insider in a company.

Impact Analysis

Use Cases

Insider dealings data is relevant for quantitative and fundamental investors alike.

Investing & Trading icon

Investing & Trading

Derive signals to support trading models across all asset classes, trading styles and frequencies

Portfolio Management icon

Portfolio Management

Improve asset allocation decisions by measuring insider transactions by company, sector, or market

Research & Analysis icon

Research & Analysis

Forecast stock, sector, market and global economic outlooks by aggregating insider data over time

Algorithmic Trading icon

Algorithmic Trading

Predict liquidity, volatility, and directional movements caused by insider dealings

Risk Management & Compliance icon

Risk Management & Compliance

Detect market abuse, mitigate risk quickly when insider events happen, and build early-warning systems

Trade Surveillance icon

Trade Surveillance

Conduct pre-trade and post-trade analysis by connecting trading activity to insider transactions

Latest Research

Both industry and academic research show unequivocally that the actions of company insiders provide consistent predictive power across all market conditions.

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