Text Analytics

Transform your data into a strategic asset

Text Analytics

Convert Over 1,000 Different Text Formats Into Structured Documents


Manage, Store And Organize All Your Documents


Analyze Your Content With Sentiment And Semantics Tags


Automate Tedious And Repetitive Classification Tasks

Unique data solutions for investment and business professionals

With award-winning data and analytics products, we are the leaders in transforming unstructured content into actionable insights.

Organize and classify all your textual documents automatically

Automate tedious and repetitive classification tasks. What normally would take a user hours or days to do now only takes seconds with RavenPack Text Analytics.

Process Automation

Obtain major cost savings by automating tedious text extraction tasks

RavenPack reduces the time spent on manually collecting and extracting data from documents.

Cost Reduction

Decrease expensive errors caused by human carelessness or mistakes

By eliminating human errors such as tiredness or lack of knowledge, RavenPack reduces the rate of errors, providing a lower level of operational risk.

Risk Mitigation

Don’t replace but enhance your current systems with scalable text analysis

Deploying RavenPack Text Analytics frees up your high-value resources to be put back on the front lines of your business. Collection, storage, and analysis of textual documents is performed automatically on a cloud based, highly scalable SaaS infrastructure.

Workforce Scalability

Organize and classify all your textual documents automatically

Automate tedious and repetitive classification tasks. What normally would take a user hours or days to do now only takes seconds with RavenPack Text Analytics.

Process Automation

Obtain major cost savings by automating tedious text extraction tasks

RavenPack reduces the time spent on manually collecting and extracting data from documents.

Cost Reduction

Decrease expensive errors caused by human carelessness or mistakes

By eliminating human errors such as tiredness or lack of knowledge, RavenPack reduces the rate of errors, providing a lower level of operational risk.

Risk Mitigation

Don’t replace but enhance your current systems with scalable text analysis

Deploying RavenPack Text Analytics frees up your high-value resources to be put back on the front lines of your business. Collection, storage, and analysis of textual documents is performed automatically on a cloud based, highly scalable SaaS infrastructure.

Workforce Scalability

Use Cases

RavenPack Text Analytics is meant for business analysts and data scientists looking to automate text processing tasks to solve a business process or improve their workflows.

Investing & Trading icon

Investing & Trading

Measure sentiment and market impact from textual sources such as news, filings, and transcripts and incorporate them as factors into quantitative models or systematic trading strategies.

Risk & Compliance icon

Risk & Compliance

Monitor for emerging counterparty risk and minimize risk exposures with more effective watchlist screening and name matching in real-time. Scale compliance teams more easily and cost effectively.

Supply Chain Monitoring icon

Supply Chain Monitoring

Monitor for supply chain events and disruptions. Constantly listen for key events, opinions, and conversations about your suppliers, competitors, and customers to identify crises before they go viral and build a better communications strategy.

Voice of Customer icon

Voice of Customer

Identify the set of features referenced most often when customers express happiness or dissatisfaction in a product or service within customer support incidents, product reviews, blogs, and other sources.

Product Development icon

Product Development

Discover what factors drive the most positive and negative experiences by analyzing customer interactions from support emails, social media, online comments, and call transcripts - and use these insights to improve your products and services.

Content Marketing icon

Content Marketing

Whether you are a Marketer, Agency, Blogger, or Copywriter, well-tagged content is essential for good SEO. With proper rich tags, you can make sure your content is in the same categories as your top competitors and identify the topics you have in common.

Research icon


Automate research workflows by conducting powerful content filtering and analysis. Business analysts can quickly filter for relevant information and conduct faster and better targeted research.

Security icon


Identify names against watchlists that puts a company’s employees or a country’s citizens at risk. Scan through large volumes of text to identify names and threats for cyber security, counterterrorism, intelligence gathering, and other security activities.

Request a Trial

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