5 Ways NLP Can Help Uncover More Alpha During Earnings Season

May 31, 2022

With hundreds of companies holding their earnings conference calls on the same day, it’s hard to keep up. Natural Language Processing (NLP) empowers analysts and investors to capture the full breadth of short-term opportunities.

Every quarter, the couple of weeks that constitute Earnings Season continues to afford substantial opportunities to harness alpha, but with hundreds of companies holding their earnings conference calls on the same day, analysts and investors are left with no choice but to prioritize their attendance — a decision that hampers their ability to capture the full breadth of short-term opportunities. Natural Language Processing (NLP) can help.

We review the 5 aspects that would make a difference according to our recent research.

  1. Optimizing the timeline to capture fast-moving opportunities.

  2. Filtering out the spin to detect ominous variations in corporate language transparency.

  3. Sentiment analysis is stronger when multiple signals shine a light from different angles. ……

Get the full briefing to find out how NLP can help you to capture more alpha during the Earnings Season.

To read more about RavenPack’s Earnings Intelligence series research

RavenPack Earnings Intelligence

RavenPack Earnings Intelligence combines signals from separate sources augmented with sentiment and thematic analytics for a powerful alternative that removes the limits of isolated vendor data. Learn More

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