RavenPack Sponsors FinTech Connect North America

RavenPack | June 15, 2021

RavenPack is proud to sponsor the FinTech Connect North America conference being hosted 15-16 June 2021.

RavenPack is proud to sponsor the FinTech Connect North America conference being hosted 15-16 June 2021.

Join us as our Head of Quantitative Research, Americas, Marko Kangrga, showcases an engaging and informative Lunch and Learn session.

FinTech Connect North America is where teams from major financial institutions go to benchmark digital transformation efforts, make informed buying decisions on the latest innovations on the market, and where fintechs come to accelerate dialogues with digital buyers with responsibility across digital transformation, payments, financial security, regtech and blockchain.

See the full agenda here

June 15-16, 2021
1.00 pm - 1.30pm EST


Marko Kangrga
Marko Kangrga
Head of Quantitative Research, Americas

Marko is the Head of Quantitative Research for the Americas at RavenPack with over 10 years of experience in the finance industry. He focuses on exploring novel approaches and techniques for combining fundamental drivers with big data quantitative frameworks to identify alpha opportunities from a wide universe of securities across multiple asset classes. Previously, as the head trader/investment analyst at an event-driven hedge fund in New York, he was responsible for macro research, idea generation and risk management. Marko has experience in utilizing quantitative methods in portfolio construction, developing hedging strategies and trading structured derivative instruments..


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