Coronavirus - What Data Investors Should Look at: Affected Stocks, Recession Fears, and more...

RavenPack | June 01, 2020

Will the coronavirus lead to another recession? How are stocks being affected? Check this page regularly for infographics based on our news and sentiment data delivering insights for investment professionals. You can also subscribe to receive our Covid-19 updates via email.

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These infographics may be reproduced in their entirety, but not modified.

May 29th - Supply Chain Recovery

Supply Chain Recovery a Factor in Stock Market Rally: The S&P 500 continues its rebound as the global coronavirus pandemic eases. One factor may be the rebuilding of global supply chains which got decimated during the crisis. Crossovers between ‘supply chain disruptions’ and stock returns have marked turning points for the S&P 500 since the start of the year. Find out more using our Coronavirus News Monitor here.

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Supply Chain Recovery

May 19th - There is Hope

For the first time since the coronavirus crisis erupted, the total media coverage about a vaccine surpasses news about fear or panic. Stay strong! Find out more using our Coronavirus News Monitor here.

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Vaccine Coronavirus Hope

May 13th - Russia Sentiment to New Low

Things are getting worse for Russia, according to RavenPack's Country Sentiment Index. Find out more using our Coronavirus News Monitor here.

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Russia Coronavirus Sentiment

May 11th - Infodemic Spreading: US vs China

"Infodemic" index: contagion peaked in China before the U.S. Find out more using our Coronavirus News Monitor here.

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Infodemic Spreading: US vs China

April 13th - Overhyping Effect

Periods of COVID-19 news saturation tend to be followed by sharp increases in fake news. Find out more using our Coronavirus News Monitor here.

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Coronavirus News Saturation and Fake News

April 7th - Country Sentiment Diverges

Global sentiment continues to decline but at a national level large divergences are appearing. Find out more using our Coronavirus News Monitor here.

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Country Sentiment Diverges

April 7th - European Union Sentiment

Sentiment for the European Union hits a new low after coronavirus broadside according to RavenPack news analytics.

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European Union Sentiment

April 3rd - Monitoring Fake News

We ranked countries according to the Fake News Index on our Coronavirus News Monitor. We found those that ranked highest also tended to be the countries with the toughest measures...

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COVID-19 Fake News

April 2nd - Headlines hint at Jobless Figures

RavenPack news analytics shows the weekly count of headlines containing the word "Layoffs" can provide a clue as to official Jobless Claims.

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Headlines hint at Jobless Figures

March 31st - Panic Index Leads Coronavirus Cases

Panic precedes pandemic, at least according to RavenPack’s Coronavirus Panic Index, which tends to rise ahead of cases of the virus. The Index measures the percentage of total COVID-19 news that mentions panic or fear; it has led confirmed coronavirus cases since the start of the crisis. Follow the index here:

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Panic Index Leads Coronavirus Cases

March 25th - Insider-Sells on the Rise Prior to S&P500 Decline

In the days leading up to the 24th of February, the fall of S&P, the number of insider-sales rose, with executives increasingly selling their own shares.

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Coronavirus Insider Sells

March 24th - Strong Performance of A News Sentiment Strategy to Hedge Against the S&P500

Amid the COVID-19 crisis, trading the spread between positive and negative news sentiment stocks still continues to show strong performance.

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Coronavirus Sentiment Strategy

March 23rd - Pollution Levels Fall

Despite the increasing number of confirmed COVID-19 cases, one statistic that is progressively lowering in Europe, is the level of pollution.

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Coronavirus and Pollution

March 20th - As New Cases are Reported, Facilities are Closing

As the number of confirmed coronavirus cases increases, the number of facilities closing down is simultaneously rising.

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Facilities Closing Coronavirus

March 19th - Measures Stop Protests, Not New Cases

Data shows protest-related news declines as COVID-19 cases rise.

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Coronavirus Protest

March 18th - ‘Epicdemic’ Rise in Spanish Coronavirus News

Coronavirus epidemic news related to Spain has increased by 355% in the last week probably due to the sudden escalation in virus counter-measures enforced by the Spanish authorities.

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Coronavirus Spain

March 17th - Media Coverage of Coronavirus in New York Area

After China and Europe, the media started to greatly cover the Coronavirus pandemic in the United States, especially the state of New York. Look out for places where it is mentioned the most.

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Coronavirus New York

March 17th - Travel Industry Hit Hard

Since the start of the crisis, fear has hit the Tourism, Hotel, and Airlines industries, with the Airlines industry suffering the biggest drop in news sentiment.

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Travel Industry Coronavirus

Comparison Hotels Airlines

March 12th - Airlines with China Exposure

Airline stocks with the most media exposure to China were hit the hardest during the first market scare after the coronavirus outbreak.

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Airlines with Coronavirus Exposure

March 11th - Recession Fears

Recession fears driven by the coronavirus are on the rise. More than 80% of all news about a recession talks about the new virus. Watch out for these news levels rising even further.

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Coronavirus Recession Fears

March 9th - Pneumonia Sentiment

News about pneumonia saw a strong negative decline in sentiment prior to the Wuhan (China) cases being linked to the coronavirus. Watch out for a sentiment reversal as a positive sign of the coronavirus situation improving.

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Coronavirus Pneumonia Sentiment

March 6th - Events Cancellation due to Coronavirus

News about events being canceled or postponed has more than doubled in the last week and quadrupled in the last 30 days.

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Coronavirus Events Cancellation

March 5th - Stocks co-mentioned with Coronavirus

Apple is the company most mentioned in the news alongside the coronavirus. It has 5x more news volume than the next company International Airlines Group (IAG). Also, 4 of the top 10 stocks in the ranking are airlines.

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Coronavirus Stocks Co-mentions

Coronavirus News Monitor

The monitor tracks information and analytics in real-time sourced from +19,000 media sources worldwide and measures the level of panic, social distancing, among other key topics in the news. We used the underlying data to produce the above infographics.

The free Coronavirus News Monitor can be accessed on

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Coronavirus News Monitor

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